Alaska Sea Grant

Master Materials List

Student Handouts

Items for Group Display

Material Items

Facility/Equipment Requirements

Investigation 1: Ch-ch-ch-changes

Science notebooks 

Arctic sea ice dataPDF

Scatterplot example PDF

Sea ice flip bookPDF

video “Alaskan Native Thoughts on Climate Change”

video "George Divoky: The BirdWatcher Who Saw the Future”

Shrinking Ice Headlines PowerPoint

Sea ice animation


Graph paper

1B: Melting Sea Ice and Sea Level
For each pair of students:

  • Water
  • 1 clear plastic 6-8 oz. cup
  • Permanent felt-tip marker or tape
  • Ice cube

1C: Temperature and Sea Level

  • Conical flask
  • Two-hole cork for flask
  • Thin glass tube
  • Long thermometer
  • Portable clamp-on reflector lamp
  • 150-watt floodlight
  • Dye or food coloring
  • Graph paper

Projector and/or computers to view online videos and PowerPoint

Internet access

Chart paper or board 


Investigation 2: Impacts of Change in Glacier Ice

Science notebooks

Alaska glacier photosPDF
Glacier photo comparison worksheet PDF
"Small fry may be big problem" article PDF
Transparency/Turbidity Lab instructions PDF

Glacier Game Board #1 PDF
Glacier Game Board #2 

Stream table

2B: Melting Ice
Each pair of students will need:

  • Plastic cup or other container that will hold water
  • Clay, wood, or other material to represent land in the container
  • Ice cube
  • Permanent marker or tape
  • Water

2C: Stream Table
Materials needed:

  • Cookie sheet or foil pan
  • Sand
  • Potting soil
  • Gravel (optional)
  • Water source (a bucket with water in it or a watering can)
  • Funnel
  • Pieces of hose or other soft tubing
  • Books or block (to elevate the table)

2D: Transparency/Turbidity   
Sticky note pads
Per student group:

  • Large containers with water (1,000 ml beakers)
  • Powdered milk
  • Ruler (with centimeters)
  • String
  • White plastic container lid
  • Nail or sharp object to make a hole in the lid
  • Permanent black marker
  • Pencil and data sheet
  • Duct tape
  • Nuts or washers or something similar for a weight
  • Measuring cups
  • Calculator

2E: Glacier Game

Printed and assembled game board per 2-3 students

1 dice for each student group

Game markers

Chalkboard, whiteboard, or overhead projector

Access to sink or other water source

Computer with projector

Student computers, preferably one per student or pair of students


Investigation 3: Bering Sea Expedition

Science notebooks

WebQuest Presentation Rubric PDF


video “Climate-driven Change in the Northern Bering Sea"

Posterboard and art materials for presentations if PowerPoint is not used


Projector and/or computers to view online videos and PowerPoint

Internet access

Computer and Internet access for students 

Investigation 4: Changes in Our Local Environment

Science notebooks

Photo Comparison WorksheetPDF

Photos of the local area


One or more of the following videos:

Saving a Community: Shishmaref, Alaska

Orville Huntington, “It’s a Changing Thing”

Richard Glenn, At Home in Two Worlds 



Video cameras or digital cameras for interview and photos

Tape recorders for interview

Pens or pencils



Blank paper

Any old outdoor photographs of your community that you can find


Computers and software to download photos, create newspaper.

Printer or quick photo processing service


 Investigation 5: Explaining Impacts of a Warming Climate

Science notebooks

Digital Story rubricPDF


Climate change videos

For Community Presentation:

Tools, instruments, photos, and “artifacts” from Investigation 4 and previous investigations as appropriate.

Poster board and art supplies if needed for presentations.

Invitation materials and supplies for potluck if applicable.

Computer and appropriate software for each student group

Digital cameras, video cameras if available

Drawing materials


Computer access for online research, word processing, and development of story. Software such as iMovie, PowerPoint, Photo Story 3, etc.

If available and desired: video cameras and editing software

Digital projector


Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA