Alaska Sea Grant

Master Materials List

An Aquatic Eco-Mystery: The Case of the Missing Sea Otters

Student Handouts

Items for Group Display

Material Items

Facility/Equipment Requirements

Investigation 1

Sea Otter Story Part 1

Readings 1, 2, 3, and 4

Food Chain Cards Image

Science notebooks

Map of Aleutians

Sea Otter Data Graphs

Large Diagram of Beach Image

Food Chain Diagram Image

Butcher paper

Tagboard and felt-tip pens (if clue cards are used)

Art materials for making murals, if time permits

Internet access

LCD projector OR

Student computers and overhead projector

Investigation 2

Sea Otter Story Part 2.

Sampling the “e’s” Organism Data Sheet Image

Quadrat Data Sheet Image

Data Table Image

Newspaper(s) with 1 page per student

Quadrats (small), empty color slide frames OR similar cardboard squares, 1 per student

Calculators (optional)



Quadrats (large) made from meter sticks, hula hoops, or PVC pipes (optional)

For alternate activity if playground space not available:

Large photos or posters showing animal populations on beach or elsewhere, 1 per student group

LCD or overhead projector

Internet access

Playground or other outdoor area divided into two sections

Investigation 3

Sea Otter Story Part 3


Pictures of Kelp Forest (photo 1, photo 2)

Graph of Otter Populations Image

Pictures of Urchin Barrens  (photo 1, photo 2)

Food Chain Diagrams Image (diagram 1, diagram 2)

1 “Ziploc” bag per student

Masking tape

Sashes or signs: green, blue, red (1 per student)


LCD or overhead projector

Large indoor or outdoor playing area

Investigation 4

Field Etiquette Handout


Bag or box

Grab bag items: boot, hat, piece of litter, shell, rock, toy shovel, plastic toy crab or substitute

How to Make a Quadrat

Quadrat Data Sheet


Measuring tape

Hand lenses

Aquatic field site—beach, riverbank, or pond

Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA