Alaska Sea Grant

Master Materials List

Student Handouts

Items for Group Display

Material Items

Facility/Equipment Requirements

Investigation 1: Habitat

Science notebooks  Compare and Contrast Response Chart

O-W-L chart

Chart paper


Clean jars with lids

Water from a local aquatic habitat

Magnifying lenses


Glass slides, small plastic lids, etc.


Rulers and/or other measuring tools

O-W-L chart on overhead, board, or chart paper


Books/posters of aquatic habitats and animals

Poster board



Nature magazines for cutting out pictures

Small color photos of animals fit the size of science notebooks

Crayons or Colored Pencils

Writing paper

Site for nature walk

Overhead projector to show O-W-L chart, if desired

Investigation 2: We Search

Science notebooks

Research checklist

Research rubric

Research checklist

Research rubric

Research rubric


Posters of Aquatic Animals from Invest. 1

Resources for research including: Books, videos, websites, magazines,

Art materials, play props, and/or other resources for students’ final presentations

Diorama materials


Investigation 3: Sea Monkeys

Science notebooks



Disappearing Lake by Debbie Miller

Dry brine shrimp cysts (ordered in advance, a pinch for each child) with directions for hatching and growing

One 2-liter soda bottle with top cut off, or clean jar for each student

Tap water (not chlorinated)

Salt without iodine

Baking soda (small pinches)

Magnifying glass for each student

Sticky notes

Masking tape

Paper towels

Small sheets black construction paper

3-4 eye droppers (for feeding yeast solution later)

Permanent markers to mark water line on bottles (refill as water evaporates)

Measuring cups, centimeter rulers

Optional: microscope(s) or teacher overhead microscope

Classroom space where bottles or jars will be safe for a few days during the exploration

Chalkboard, overhead, or chart paper

Investigation 4: Field Session

Science notebooks


Investigation 4 Rubric

OWL Chart from previous activity


Investigation 4 Rubric, if desired


Identification keys or guides specific to the area

Beans or buttons for practice timed count

Bag of outdoor protected writing tools; pencils, colored pencils, small ruler


Small buckets and nets

Underwater viewers (see Teacher Background )

Watch or stopwatch

Whistle or signal for gathering students

Digital camera

Snacks, etc. for field trip

Backpacks for field trip



Appropriate field trip site

 Investigation 5: Communication

Science notebooks


Invitations for families, Native elders, and Culture-Bearers, as well as wider community

Student photographs from Investigation 4

Materials for displays and visual aids


Gathering place or audience seating with mini stage

Display space in the school hallway

Document Source Reader if available


Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA