Alaska Sea Grant

Sample Rubric

Rivers to the Sea and Back Again

Investigation 1

Science Notebook Sample Rubric: Watershed and Water Sources

What Makes for a Good Science Notebook?

Adapted from 

  Strong Okay Needs More Thinking
Water Flow and Water We Drink In my science notebook, I have good thinking about where and why the colors flowed where they ended up. I have detailed information on where my drinking water comes from. I use and clearly understand the term “watershed.” In my science notebook, I show where the colors flowed and where they ended up. I have information on where my drinking water comes from. I use the term “watershed.” In my science notebook, I have some missing pieces. Entries have been started or notes have been taken, but it’s hard to follow my own thinking and hard for someone else to understand.
Asking Questions To get ready for a visit with an expert, I have written questions that will help me understand things I don’t yet know about my drinking water or our watershed. The questions come from the work in my science notebook. To get ready for a visit with an expert, I have written questions that will help me understand things I don’t yet know about my drinking water or our watershed. I may have written a question or two but they don’t seem to come from my own written thinking.
About my Thinking (Reflection) In my science notebook, I have lots of thinking about what I have drawn and recorded. This section of my notebook shows how I have added to, changed, or revisited my thinking. I do this through using different colored pens or pencils, writing in the margins, and/or adding clearly labeled sections. In my science notebook, I have done the required drawing and responses, but it can be hard to find new thinking, or questioning. The science notebook shows only recording and not much or no thinking.
Scientific Drawing Required drawings are MOSTLY large, accurately labeled, and have specific detail. Required drawings are there but may have incorrect labels, or may not be carefully drawn or drawn with good detail. Drawings are missing or seem so rushed that they are hard to understand.
Notebook Organization Sections are labeled and dated. They are entered in the table of contents. My handwriting is USUALLY the best I can do. I have my notebook ready every time I need it. Sections are mostly labeled and dated. They are entered in the table of contents. My handwriting is USUALLY the best I can do. I have my notebook ready nearly every time I need it. Labels and dates of entries are hard to find and/or not entered in Table of Contents. My handwriting is often hard to read. I have my notebook ready only some of the times I need it.
Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA