Alaska Sea Grant


Our Changing World addresses the following GLEs for grades 6, 7 and 8:

Grade Level Expectations for Grade 6







The student demonstrates an understanding  of the processes of science by:
SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring and communicating.

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The student develops an understanding of the processes of science by:
SA1.2 observing and describing their world to answer simple questions.

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The student demonstrates an understanding that interactions with the environment provide an opportunity for understanding scientific concepts by:
SA3.1 observing local conditions that determine which plants and/or animals survive. (L)

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The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and properties of matter by
SB1.1 using models to represent matter as it changes from one state to another


The student demonstrates an understanding of the interactions between matter and energy and the effects of these interactions on systems by
SB3.1 recognizing that most substances can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas depending on temperature


The student demonstrates an understanding of how science explains changes in life forms over time, including genetics, heredity, the process of natural selection, and biological evolution by
SC1.2 recognizing that species survive by adapting to changes in their environment


The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by
SC3.2 organizing a food web using familiar plants and animals

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by
SD2.3 describing how the surface can change rapidly as a result of geological activities (i.e., earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods, landslides, avalanches). 


The student demonstrates an understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by
SE1.1 recognizing that technology cannot always provide successful solutions for problems or fulfill every human need.


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking by
[6] SE2.1 identifying and designing a solution to a problem.


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking by:
[6] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to investigate a question or problem. (L)

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The student demonstrates an understanding of how scientific discoveries and technological innovations affect our lives and society by
SE3.1 describing the various effects of an innovation on a global level.



Grade Level Expectations for Grade 7







The student develops an understanding of the processes of science by:
[7] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating.*

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:
[7] SA1.2 observing, measuring, and collecting data from explorations and using this information to classify, predict, and communicate. add new

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by
[7] SA2.1 identifying and evaluating the sources used to support scienitifc statements aa new


The student demonstrates an understanding that interactions with the envrionment provide an opportunity for understanding scientific concepts by
[7] SA3.1 designing and conducting a simple investigation about the local environment. (L)

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The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and properties of matter by
[7] SB1.1 using physical properties (i.e., density, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity) to differentiate among and/or separate materials (i.e., elements, compounds, and mixtures)


The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics, relationships, and effects by
[7] SB4.3 describing the characteristics of a wave (i.e., amplitude, wavelength, and frequency)


The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by
SD2.2 describing how the movement of the tectonic plates results in both slow changes (e.g., formation of mountains, ocean floors, and basins) and short-term events (e.g., volcanic eruptions, seismic waves, and earthquakes) on the surface.


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity by:
[7] SE2.1 identifying the function of a variety of tools (e.g., spear, hammer, hand lens, kayak, computer)


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity by: 
[7] SE2.2 identifying multiple explanations (e.g., oral traditions, folklore, scientific theory) of everyday events (e.g., weather, seasonal changes). (L)*

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The student demonstrates an understanding of how scientific discoveries and technological innovations affect our lives and society by
SE3.1 recognizing the effects of a past scientific discovery, invention, or scientific breakthrough (e.g., DDT, internal combustion engine). 


The student demonstrates an understanding of the dynamic relationships among scientific, cultural, social, and personal perspectives by
SF1.1-SF3.1 investigating the basis of local knowledge (e.g., describing and predicting weather) and sharing that information (L)


The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by
SG3.1 revising a personal idea when presented withexperimental/observational data inconsistent with that personal idea (e.g., the rates of falling bodies of different masses)* (L)



Grade Level Expectations for Grade 8







The student demonstrates an understanding  of the processes of science by:
[8] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making generalizations, inferring, and communicating.

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:
[8] SA1.2 using quantitative and qualitative observations to create their own inferences and predictions.

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by
SA2.1 recognizing and analyzing differing scientific explanations and models. 

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The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by
SC3.1 stating that energy flows and that matter cycles but is conserved within an ecosystem


The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by
SD2.1 interpreting topographical maps to identify features (i.e., rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, islands, and tundra).


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity by:
[8] SE2.1 investigating a problem or project over a specified period of time and identifying the tools and processes used in that project. (L)*


The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking, perspectives, and curiosity by:
[8] SE2.2 comparing multiple explanations (e.g., oral traditions, folklore, scientific theory) of everyday events (e.g., weather, seasonal changes). (L)

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The student demonstrates an understanding of how scientific discoveries and technological innovations affect our lives and society by

SE3.1 predicting the possible effects of a recent scientific discovery, invention, or scientific breakthrough (L).  ADD

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The student demonstrates an understanding of the dynamic relationships among scientific, cultural, social, and personal perspectives by

SF1.1-SF3.1 describing how local knowledge, culture, and the technologies of various activities (e.g., hunting, fishing, subsistence) influence the development of scientific knowledge (L).


The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by

SG3.1 revising a personal idea when presented withexperimental/observational data inconsistent with that personal idea (e.g., the rates of falling bodies of different masses)* (L)


(L) Some GLEs have been identified as Local. They are for local assessments and will not be on a state assessment.

* PSGLEs repeated with no changes across grade levels are marked with asterisks.


Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA