Alaska Sea Grant

Master Materials List

Student Handouts

Items for Group Display

Material Items

Facility/Equipment Requirements

Investigation 1: The Excitement of Exploration

Science notebooks
Why Do We Explore? Image

"Journey to the Unknown" photos ImageOcean Explorer Worksheet Image

Video discussion questionsImage

Page of photos of Michelle RidgwayImage

video Exploring the Ocean’s Hidden Worlds

Sentence Strip paper

Reference books, if necessary     

Computer with internet access attached to a projector for video viewing
Chalkboard or whiteboard

Student internet access or adequate library resources  

Investigation 2: Canyons in the Sea

Science notebooks

Bering  Sea Canyon cards  PDF


Underwater vehicle chartImage

Map showing Zhemchug and Pribilof canyons

Mural Grid Figure Image


Student maps from

Mural paper for each group

Drawing paper

Drawing materials



3x3 inch sticky note, 142 per group 

Computer with internet access  and projector to project websites

Investigation 3: Mountains in the Sea

Science notebooks

Ocean FeaturesPDF

Model seafloor instructionsPDF

Bathymetric Mapping Instructions PDF

Seafloor grid PDF

Excel map instructionsPDF



"Who Cares about Seafloor Mapping?"video

Black and white bathymetric map of Patton SeamountImage


Color bathymetric map of Patton Seamount Image

Activity 3A:
Per team of 3-4 students:

Plastic food storage container or tub, about 4-6 inches deep and 5-7 inches long and wide. Containers need not be transparent.

Modeling clay. Amount required will depend on the size of containers used.

Bottle, beaker, or measuring cup with sufficient water to fill the plastic container after the clay has been placed in it.

Plastic or paper funnel

Centimeter ruler

Strong clear plastic such as a blank overhead transparency, to cover the container. This will be used to draw on and must be transparent. Strong plastic wrap may also work.

Waterproof black felt tip marker (fine tip, if possible)

Waterproof felt tip markers: dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange

Masking tape


Activtiy 3B:
Per team of 3-4 students:

1 box such as a shoe box or small rectangular box, with a lid if possible

Aluminum foil or heavy paper to use for a box lid, if box is without a lid

Clay, rocks, gravel, sand, and/or other materials to create a seafloor and features

Centimeter ruler

Black felt tip marker

Paper that is the size of the top of the box

Masking tape


Sharp object to punch hole

Pencil, dowel, straw, skewer, or knitting needle to use as probe

Colored pencils, crayons or markers 

Computer(s) with Internet access
LCD projector or individual computers
Software: Excel

Investigation 4: Searching for Sounds in the Sea

Science notebooks

Right Whale Data Sheet PDF


Underwater sounds website


Sounds of the Sea PowerPoint, part 1

Sounds of the Sea PowerPoint, part 2

Sounds of the Sea PowerPoint, part 2.1

Spectrograms for underwater soundsImage


Tape, rope or cone markers to create boundary for Activity

Nametags for the activity participants


Bering Sea Map

Spectrogram Key PDF



Computer with internet access attached to a Projector for video viewing
Speakers attached to a computer for the various underwater sounds

Large gymnasium or outdoor area for the "On the Trail of a Whale" activity 


 Investigation 5: Exploring Our Local Waters

Science notebooks

Data summary sheetPDF







Garbage bags

Rope with measured intervals to use as a transect line

Computer connected to the Internet and a projector.

 Investigation 6: Discovering Underwater Wonders

Science notebooks

Investigation Scoring Guide


Books, phamplets, posters and other research materials.

Art supplies for student presentations. 

Projector for showing student PowerPoint or iMovie presentations

Chalkboard or whiteboard for list of topics

Student internet and/or library access

Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA