Alaska Sea Grant

Bibliography and Resources

Bidarki Specimen

If you would like to show your students a preserved bidarki specimen, they are available at Ward's Science. Product number 687002.


Photos and/or illustrations of traditional , previous and current fishing technology. 

Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch has seafood guides to help consumers make choices that are good for them and also good for the ocean.

Popcorn Scarcity is an activity that further explores what happens when people compete for finite resources.

NOAA's Fisheries Feature: Bycatch has a wealth of information.

U.S. and International Seabird Bycatch Reduction Efforts has many links to sources of information.

Seabirds and Longlines information and reports. 

Game of Life. Topic: overfishing, sustainable seafood. 

Marine Debris


Read about the Fur Seal Disentagnlement Project in the Pribilof Islands.   

Kids against marine litter  

Plastics and Marine Life:You Are What you Eat: is a PBS, Jean-Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventure activity to help students find out the ways marine life can be affected by plastics.

Turning the Tide on Trash: Marine Debris Curriculum 


Human Impacts 

Survey Data Sheets 

Ocean Conservancy has information about issues, events, and activities related to the ocean and the health of the ocean.

Oil spills

What's the Story on Oil Spills? has some alarming facts about oil spills

Kids’ Pages on oil in the sea
Student Activity: Cleaning up an Oil Spill

Prince William’s Oily Mess: A Tale of Recovery

Environmental Literacy Council information on oil spills.

Ocean Change Initiative information about impacts on the ocean.

Other Resources
Alaska Sea Grant and CACS. 2004. Life on the Beach: Among Friends and Anemones. Intertidal ecology and beach etiquette. 20 min.

PBS. The Shape of Life . Eight-part series, each focused on a different marine invertebrate phylum and body plan. Available as two-DVD set.

Rodger Jackman Production. 1998. Life at the Edge of the Sea. Thirteen/WNET, New York. 55 min.

Marine Invertebrate Identification Guides
Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. 1999. Who's Who in the Intertidal Zone? An Atlas for Peterson Bay Field Station.

Harbo, Rick. 1999. Whelks to Whales. Harbour Publishing Co. 248 pp.

Kozloff, Eugene. 2003. Seashore Life of the Northern Pacific Coast. University of Washington Press.

O’Clair, R.M., and C.E. O’Clair. 1998. Southeast Alaska’s Rocky Shores: Animals. Plant Press, Auke Bay, Alaska. 562 pp.

O’Clair, R.M., S.C. Lindstrom, and I.R. Brodo.1996. Southeast Alaska’s Rocky Shores: Seaweeds and Lichens. Plant Press, Auke Bay, Alaska. 152 pp.

Ricketts, E.F., J. Calvin, and J.W. Hedgpeth. 1985. Between Pacific Tides. Revised by D.W. Phillips. Fifth Edition. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. 652 pp.


Bidarki Story References

Salomon, A.K. 2006. Investigating the relative roles of natural factors and shoreline harvest in altering the community structure, dynamics and diversity of the Kenai Peninsula’s rocky intertidal. Final report, GEM Project 030647, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage, Alaska.

Salomon, A.K, N.M. Tanape Sr., and H.P. Huntington. 2007. Serial depletion of marine invertebrates leads to the decline of a strongly interacting grazer. Ecological Applications 17(6):1752-1770.

Salomon, A.K., and L. Williams. 2007. Effects of chiton depletion and traditional ecological knowledge. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, July 2007, pp. 247-249.


Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA