Alaska Sea Grant

Ocean Issues Research Rubric

Ocean Issues Research

Poster Directions/Components

Audience: Address people who may not be aware of the issue or problem.

Purpose: To inform and educate others about the problem or issue and offer suggestions to help alleviate or solve the problem.

Format: Colorful poster including graphics and text.

Information to include:

  • State the topic of the poster.
  • Choose 3-5 important facts to present.
  • Describe how science helps to research/address and/or solve the problem.
  • Offer several ways that individuals can help address or solved the problem.

Graphics: Illustrations, photographs, and/or charts and diagrams to support the information included.
Posters should be eye-catching, and easy to read. Information should be presented in an organized format

Additional documents required:

Bibliography: All resources used in research. (Format?)
Narrative: Two to three pages that answer the four focus questions in depth and detail.

Ocean Issues Research Poster: Example Rubric






Presentation of focus topic

Informs and educates others who may not be aware of the issue or problem.

Message is clearly visible, and communicated clearly.

Topic and message are present.

Message and/or topic of poster is unclear.

Limited awareness of audience and/or purpose.


Illustrations, photographs and/or charts and diagrams support the information included.

All graphics are effective and well balanced with amount of text.

Graphics are effective, but there are too few or too many.

Some graphics are effective but their use is not balanced with text use, and don’t add to the poster message.

Graphics are neither neat nor accurate, and don’t appear to relate to the topic.

Too few images or models are used to be an effective presentation.

Layout and design

Poster is eye-catching, easy to read, and organized.

Display is interesting and attractive. Overall organization, use of color, and use of space help to make the poster interesting and appealing.

Display is interesting and attractive. Information is organized in a well-constructed manner.

Information and illustrations are generally organized and clear to the viewer.

Display is uninteresting, not tidy.

Information and illustrations are disorganized and leave the viewer confused.


*The topic of the poster is stated.

*3-5 important facts are chosen and presented.

*Describes how science helps to research, address, and/or solve the problem.

*Offers several ways that individuals can help address or solve the problem.

The content is exemplary and suggests the student has discovered the important ideas of his/her topic.

The content is good and suggests the student has discovered most of the important facts of his/her topic.

The content is fair/poor and suggests the student has not discovered most of the important facts.

The content is poor and suggests the student has not done sufficient research.


Poster is highly original, reflecting creativity and a lot of thought.

Good creative effort. Poster is neat and shows evidence of time spent on it.

Poster is neat. Some creative attempt made to add originality.

Poster has sloppy appearance.

Little attempt to add originality.

Supporting Documentation/Research Narrative: Example Rubric







All sources are accurately documented and in the desired format.

3 or more sources were used.

All sources are accurately documented and in the desired format.

2 or 3 sources were used.

Most sources are documented and in the desired format.

1 or 2 sources were used.

Sources used are not properly documented.

Quality of information

Details from each focus question are clearly addressed and explained.

Important information is included.

Focus questions are addressed. Information is relevant and related to the issue, but not of highest quality.

Information is included, but it does not answer the focus questions.

Few details from research are included.

Grammar, punctuation, spelling

There are no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Few minor errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.

Major grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors.

Errors make it difficult for the reader to read.


Narrative is organized logically and is compelling to read.

Narrative is well-organized and easy to read.

The narrative is hard to follow in some places.

The narrative lacks organization.

Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA