Alaska Sea Grant

Research Guide

Research Guide

What is the topic or issue that you have chosen to research?


As you begin to answer the questions, think about how your topic relates to or impacts the following areas:

Food webs








1. Why is this use of the ocean important?
To answer this question, you might describe the use, the benefits of using the ocean this way, who benefits from the use, etc.

2. What is the problem or issue? What species of marine life are harmed? Do any benefit?
To answer this question, you might describe the evidence of current and potential harmful impacts and/or the reasons that people disagree about this use of the ocean. Try to find out about both sides of the issue.

3. How can science help to solve the problem?
To answer this question, you might research what scientists have found out, what they are trying to find out, and what methods they use.

4. What action can we take to help solve the problem?
To answer this question, you might find out about a current stewardship effort, or find suggestions for possible actions that would help to alleviate the problem.
Alaska Sea Grant University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Department of Education and Early Development NOAA